The Revised Allocation Table Based on an Arithmetic Average
So without further apologies, let's look the newly derived monthly tables. The first one is based on arithmetic averages (compare it to the annual chart shown in yesterday's blog):
The toughest part of annualizing returns based on monthly data is in the conversion of monthly standard deviations. Remember that the standard deviation is another term for portfolio risk. [For you academicians who revel in hairy mathematical equations, the conversion formula is given at the end of this article.*] The standard deviations in these tables generally reflect the smaller variations that occur over a greater number of shorter time intervals, at least for the more conservative portfolio allocations.
Note that this table begins at the lower Required Return level of 3.8%. In general, the optimum allocations based on monthly data compared with allocations derived from annual data reveal that the percentage of total portfolio funds allocated to Large Stocks should be slightly decreased in favor of increasing funds to Small Stocks and Long-Term Corporate Bonds.
The Revised Allocation Table Based on a Compounded Average
The table below represents the optimum allocations using monthly data with compounded averages. Compare these results with the table given in yesterday's blog (and also in MPT Part II).
Revised Asset Class Correlation Table
You'll recall from MPT Part IV (April 24th blog) that the more that asset classes are uncorrelated with each other, the less risky is your overall portfolio. The asset allocation table given previously was based on annual data, and if you compare it with the one below that was derived using monthly data, you'll see that in most cases there is less correlation in the monthly table which is what we want.
This concludes my discussion of Modern Portfolio Theory, at least for the time being. Tomorrow I'll be introducing some concepts of Post-Modern Portfolio as well as my opinions on the subject.
*Calculation of Annualized Standard Deviation
The annualized standard deviation values were derived using the exact form of the period conversion formula shown below rather than the common approximation,
Posted by Prof. Pat
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